Giving Thanks To This School Year…

Some days I just feel inspired to write. Most days it is about math or my students, but today it is just a great feeling about my school. I am by no means a sappy, gushing-type person, but I just had a realization this week of how the attitude of those around me impact the way I feel every day when I walk in the the building.

Why am I so thankful to be where I am?

1- My colleagues understand there is always something to learn, always ways to improve and want both of those things!

2- My colleagues believe that all students can learn and embrace a growth mindset.

3- My principal is smiling every time you walk in the office door. She celebrates the teachers and students doing amazing things and believes in the power of professional development for teachers.

4- My colleagues will listen to me talk about math (probably way more than they want to), embrace all of my nerdiness, and ask for my thoughts on math instruction.

5 – My colleagues are adventurous. They jump on Twitter, try Edmodo, blog, whether it is within their comfort zone or not, they try it out! I LOVE that!

6- Nancy and I get to work on math together each and every day! We were previously at two different schools and now I use the majority of my planning time just chatting math with her.

7- My 5th grade team makes me feel like I have been there for years. There was no “new kid” feeling, we just jumped right in from day one and continue to do what is best for our students.

It seems like simple things that you would think should be true in every school, but unfortunately it is not. I am so happy to be in a place where people don’t have to just “close their doors and teach” because risk-taking is embraced. Teachers open their door to learn from each other. That environment breeds students who take risks and learn from each other as well. That is rare in my brief 18 years in education.

This school year makes me smile (a lot).

On a different note, students were adding 2/5 and 1/2 today and one student said 4.5/5 as the answer and another said, “well, I have 4/5 and another 1/10.” I opened up to the class and loved the discussion that followed.

Sorry, couldn’t resist.


2 thoughts on “Giving Thanks To This School Year…

  1. mrdardy

    I’m a bit jealous, I must admit. I love my bosses – they are super supportive – and I like my department but there is not a great deal of energy for discussing pedagogy. They are interested in discussing curriculum and that’s a plus, but not a great deal of adventurousness. Embrace it!


    1. mathmindsblog Post author

      Thank you. That adventurousness makes the biggest difference in shifting pedagogy! Luckily we also have Twitter to reach out and find educators like yourself who build a PLN outside of school!!



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